
About hayek_admin

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So far hayek_admin has created 142 blog entries.

Hólmsteinn Gissurarson, Hannes

Hannes Hólmsteinn Gissurarson is a professor of political science at the University of Iceland and a frequent commentator on current affairs in the Icelandic media. He is best known as a controversial spokesman for free market policies and for classical liberalism. In 1979, Hannes and his friends founded the Libertarian Association in Iceland, which [...]

Hólmsteinn Gissurarson, Hannes 2017-03-16T12:35:53+00:00

Bulchand Gidomal, Jacques

Jacques Bulchand Gidumal Jacques Bulchand Gidumal is, with with Santiago Melián, author of the book "A guide to understanding sharing economy" (https; // imecolab.com). He is a professor at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in areas of entrepreneurship and digital tourism. He teaches creation of Startups in the engineering schools [...]

Bulchand Gidomal, Jacques 2017-03-17T05:36:46+00:00

Godoy, Isaac

Isaac Godoy Isaac Cristóbal Godoy Delgado, 54 years old, born in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, is a Graduate in Molecular and Cellular Biology from the University of La Laguna in 1986. Professor of Secondary School since 1987, he teaches at the IES Isabel de España in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. He [...]

Godoy, Isaac 2017-03-17T15:08:17+00:00

Corujo Bolaños, Gabriel

Gabriel Corujo Bolaños Regional deputy belonging (PSOE) since June 2015. Degree in Engineering in Telecommunication Technologies, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2012). Telecommunications Technical Engineer, specialized in Telematics, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2000-2007). Human Resource Management, specializing in International HR, Fachhochschule Kiel, University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Business Management [...]

Corujo Bolaños, Gabriel 2017-03-17T05:35:57+00:00

Blanco, Miguel Jorge

Miguel Jorge Blanco Born in Las Palmas de GC in 1964. Degree in Law from the University of La Laguna. Master in International Trade Direction at the Bravo Murillo Foundation. In 1991 he joined the electoral lists of the Popular Party for the Cabildo of Gran Canaria, forming part of the Insular Government [...]

Blanco, Miguel Jorge 2017-03-17T05:35:39+00:00

Soria, José Manuel

José Manuel Soria José Manuel Soria was born in Las Palmas, on January 5, 1958. Spanish politician of the Popular Party (PP) of Canary Islands, of which he was Regional President from 1999 to 2016. He was part of the cabinet of Mariano Rajoy from 2011 to 2016 as a Minister of Industry, [...]

Soria, José Manuel 2017-03-17T05:37:16+00:00

Bentata, Pierre

Pierre Bentata Pierre Bentata is currently Assistant Professor of Economics at ESC Troyes and president of the consulting firm Rinzen Conseil. He holds a Ph.D from Aix Marseille University and a Master of Laws from Hamburg University. In 2015 he cofounded the Belem Circle, a think tank promoting European solutions to economic, social [...]

Bentata, Pierre 2017-03-17T05:14:19+00:00

Delsol, Jean-Philippe

Jean-Philippe Delsol Jean-Philippe Delsol is a French tax lawyer, writer, administrator of the think tank IREF (Institute of Economic and Fiscal Research). He has a double training as a historian and a jurist. In the exercise of his profession as a business lawyer, he acquired a thorough knowledge of companies and, more generally, [...]

Delsol, Jean-Philippe 2017-03-17T05:13:20+00:00

Berechet, Cristina

Cristina Berechet Cristina Berechet is currently General Manager of the Spanish Taxpayers Union which she joined in 2016. She was formerly Director of Research at Civismo, an economic research organization based in Spain. She also served as Head of Research at Institucion Futuro, a regional think tank based in Navarra. Her articles and [...]

Berechet, Cristina 2017-03-15T09:29:49+00:00

Jäger, Michael

Michael Jäger Michael Jaeger is the Secretary General of the European Taxpayers’ movement Taxpayers Association of Europe (TAE) since 1996, and since 2011 also Chief Executive Manager (CEO) of the European Economic Senate, the network of leading corporates in Europe. Since 1991 Michael Jaeger is working for the Bavarian Taxpayers Association, since October [...]

Jäger, Michael 2017-04-06T09:49:01+00:00