Ayn Rand Institute

Ayn Rand Institute
Site: https://ari.aynrand.org/

ARI fosters a growing awareness, understanding and acceptance of Ayn Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism, in order to create a culture whose guiding principles are reason, rational self-interest, individualism and laissez-faire capitalism — a culture in which individuals are free to pursue their own happiness.
How? Our strategy, priorities and programs are informed by Rand’s distinctive view of what sets the direction of a society. It is not the latest election results or media celebrities but the philosophic ideas that shape men’s choices and actions.
Bendukidze Free Market Center

Bendukidze Free Market Center
Site: http://bendukidze.org/en/home-page-en/
Bendukidze Free Market Center is a Ukrainian think tank created to promote liberty, limited open government and free market through analysis and development of new and modern policy options, introduction of educational programs and direct engagement with decision makers in the government, business and civil society.
Business and Information Technology School

Business and Information Technology School
Site: www.bits-hochschule.de/en/program/entrepreneurial-economics-master/

The Business and Information Technology School (BiTS) is university dedicated to fostering entrepreneurship and free-market thinking. In 2016 we have launched a new Master’s program called Entrepreneurial Economics which combines an education in Austrian Economics with courses in business and management studies. This program is the first English-taught Master’s program in Europe that explicitly builds on the tradition of the Austrian School of Economics. Our graduates will thus gain an understanding of the economic system that is way superior to that of mainstream economists. This will make them independent thinkers and prepares them well for careers in business or research.
CERGE-EI U.S. Foundation

CERGE-EI U.S. Foundation
Site: www.cerge-ei.cz/donors/foundation
The CERGE-EI U.S. Foundation is the largest supporter of economics education in the post-communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. We support our founding partner CERGE-EI (Czech Republic) in promoting modern economic research, education and literacy. We also collaborate with other educational and research institutions, philanthropic entities and supranational organizations in our mission.
Circulo Liberal Bastiat

Circulo Liberal Bastiat
Site: circuloliberalbastiat.org
Liberal group based in Sevilla (Spain), founded in 2011 which aims to contribute to generate a real liberal alternative to the European mainstream economic thought. This group has the clear objective of making a significant contribution in changing people’s perception of the intervention of the state in economy and in our lives in general. To achieve this objective, the main activity of the organization is the divulgation and defence of the ideas of liberty, directly and by helping other individuals and groups spreading the ideas of liberty in social and conventional media.
Civil Development Forum

Civil Development Forum
Site: www.for.org.pl

Civil Development Forum (FOR) is a non-profit free-market think tank based in Poland promoting and, if needed, defending economic freedom, rule of law, individual liberties, private property, entrepreneurial activities, and ideas of limited government. FOR contributes to policy-making and public debate through fact-based research and regular media presence.
Danish Students for Liberty

Danish Students for Liberty
Site: https://www.facebook.com/danskestuderendeforfrihed/

Danish Students For Liberty is the Danish chapter of Students For Liberty. Students For Liberty is a rapidly growing network of pro-liberty students from all over the world. Our mission is to educate, develop, and empower the next generation of leaders of liberty. We are the largest libertarian student organization in the world. We accomplish this through a strategy of empowerment, identifying the top student leaders and training them to be agents of change in their communities. What began as a small meeting of young leaders has become an international movement of students with almost 3,000 local student groups and 1,400+ leaders around the world with operations on every inhabited continent.
Danube Institute

Danube Institute
Site: http://www.danubeinstitute.hu/

The Danube Institute exists to provide an independent center of intellectual debate for conservatives and classical liberals and their democratic opponents in Central Europe.
Based in Budapest and Washington it seeks to engage with centre-right institutions, scholars, political parties and individuals of achievement across the region to discuss problems of mutual interest.
Danube institute was founded by the Batthyány Lajos Foundation in 2013 and enjoys a close working relationship with the bi-monthly journal Hungarian Review.
The Institute promotes its aims through two main programmes: the publication of studies on issues of public controversy and through seminars, debates, and public lectures. However, our activities go beyond a purely economic or political agenda to address the cultural and moral topics which
increasingly shape attitudes to public policy issues.
Accordingly, it hosts film screenings and reviews plays and other works of particular social, historical, and cultural interest. Our internship and scholarship programmes are intended to advance the intellectual development and career prospects of young people in Central Europe.
El Club de los Viernes

El Club de los Viernes
Site: http://www.elclubdelosviernes.org/

El Club de los Viernes is a grassroot movement born in December 2014 to become a fence against the collectivist and liberticidal wave that threatens our liberties system.
El Club is a nonpartisan platform that spreads libertarian values through articles, talks and permanent activity on social networks, among other means.
El Club will not hesitate to confront and oppose the idea of liberty to the ideological monopoly of the State. El Club will not shy away from the dialectical conflict in every sphere and chance that emerges.
One of the main objectives is to help people to get in contact with persons with the same ideas and points of view and to facilitate the creation of social activist cells so that they can be organized locally and take action, providing them with support and advice for the fulfillment of their goals.
Friedrich Naumann Stiftung

Friedrich Naumann Stiftung
Site: http://fnf-southeasteurope.org/

The German Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom is the foundation for liberal politics. It aims to promote the goal of making the principle of freedom valid for the dignity of all people and in all areas of society, both in Germany and abroad. Through our work in more than 60 countries worldwide we want to spread liberal ideas, to strengthen civil society and to intensify the transfer of liberal solutions from abroad into the political discussion in Germany. The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom has been working in Southeast Europe since 1990 supporting a difficult ongoing transformation process.

Site: http://iness.sk
Institute of Economic and Social Studies is a non-governmental and apolitical independent think tank in Bratislava, Slovakia. INESS monitors the functioning and financing of the public sector, evaluates the effects of legislative changes on the economy and society, conducts in-depth analyses and drafts reform proposals, and comments on current economic and social issues. It is the most frequently quoted Slovak economic think tank in broadcast and print media.
Inštitut Libertas

Inštitut Libertas
Site: http://institute-libertas.org/
By promoting an open and critical debate Institute Libertas contributes to the state of public discourse in Slovenia, and helps its young professionals pave the way towards more liberty and prosperity. In pursuit of this goal the Institute organizes roundtable discussions, debates, seminars, and other educational projects geared towards constructively confronting different points of view, and empowering the youth with knowledge that will enable them to be part of tomorrow’s solutions.
Instituto Juan de Mariana

Instituto Juan de Mariana
Site: www.juandemariana.org

Instituto Juan de Mariana works to encourage a passion for liberty in ever larger audiences (freedom network) through the study and understanding of its philosophic tenets, of human nature and society, and of the principles and values of free societies (knowledge network). In addition, they work to communicate effectively to a wide and varied audience (broadcast network).
Institutul de Economie Mondiala

Institutul de Economie Mondiala
Site: http://iem.ro/
The Institute of World Economy (IWE) of the Romanian Academy is an organization of research and development of national interest. Between 1967-1990, IEM has operated under the Ministry of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, and developed studies and summaries for promoting Romania’s international trade relations and increasing availability of Romanian products on foreign markets, including by improving the competitiveness of national production dedicated to export.
The main research areas of the Institute are:
1. Comparative analysis of patterns of economic development of countries of the world
2. Structural changes in the world economy, the effect of international economic and financial challenges
3. Integration and European Governance
4. Analysis of countries’ economies and major trends in commodity markets, as well as international financial and currency issues

Site: www.libek.org.rs/sr

Our vision is a responsible society of free individuals in Serbia. We believe that education, research and public advocacy of efficient solutions are the best means of achieving such vision. We educate the public in economics, presenting the negative effects of government intervention in the economy, simultaneously advocating an effective reform with specific policy solutions. We are building a new fiscal culture of responsible citizens who defend their wallets from wasteful public spending and demand a fiscally responsible state. Support our mission so that we can create a responsible society of free individuals with a new entrepreneurial and fiscal culture in Serbia.
Ludwig von Mises Insitute – Europe

Ludwig von Mises Insitute – Europe
Site: www.vonmisesinstitute-europe.org

Exchanging and promoting the principal ideas and merits of Classical Liberalism with a particular focus on the ideas of the Austrian School;
Bridging the gap between “Brussels” and the European citizens and between Eurocrats and Eurosceptics;
Acting as an interface between top academics, senior business leaders; respected media commentators, and leading politicians across the EU and in Brussels;
Teaching young professionals and students from all over the world to learn about the workings of the European Institutions;
Connecting world-wide liberals and organizations at national and international levels.
Prof.mr. B.M. TeldersFoundation

Prof.mr. B.M. TeldersFoundation
Site: http://www.teldersstichting.nl

The prof.mr. B.M. TeldersFoundation is a Dutch liberal think tank, affiliated to the Dutch political party VVD. The foundation is named after Benjamin Telders, a lawyer and philosopher, who was chair of the Liberal State Party (a predecessor of the VVD Party) and who, during World War II, was arrested by German (Nazi) occupiers. He died in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp shortly before the liberation.
Sarajevo School of Science and Technology

Sarajevo School of Science and Technology
Site: ssst.edu.ba
SSST is the only university in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region offering its undergraduate and postgraduate students an internationally recognized degree. Its students learn two foreign languages and receive two degrees: one from SSST and another one from the University of Buckingham (UK), SSST’s international partner since its founding in 2004.
SSST is meeting not only the national, but also the British and the European academic and quality standards, making excellence an imperative.
SSST’s graduates get accepted into the best postgraduate programmes around the world (Oxford, Cambridge, London School of Economics, Stony Brook, etc.) and are consistently employed by leading companies in the region and beyond.
Svensk Tidskrift

Svensk Tidskrift
Site: svensktidskrift.se

Svensk Tidskrift is a magazine with a touch of think tank. Established 1911 we cover politics, economy and culture in Sweden and abroad in a weekly online magazine, arrange seminars, publish books and participate in the public debate.
Svensk Tidskrift is liberal-conservative, but has no formal party connections. We work to enable the politically interested and ideologically sound to express their views and participate in the debate on free market issues such as protection of private ownership, lower taxes and freedom of speech.
Today, when many put their hope in populist politicians, the need for advocacy for free markets, private property and strong institutions that protect these human rights is perhaps more important than ever. That is why Svensk Tidskrift is happy to be a partner to FMRS 2017.
University of Donja Gorica

University of Donja Gorica
Site: http://www.udg.edu.me/en/

UDG’s mission is to develop the spirit of freedom, individualism, entrepreneurship and economic liberalism; to develop research methodology and promote innovation; to equip our students with knowledge and skills needed for the success on global markets; to develop and strengthen the network of UDG students worldwide.
Vilnius Students for Liberty

Vilnius Students for Liberty
Site: www.vilniusliberty.com
Vilnius Students for Liberty (VSFL) is a non – governmental student organization, focused on education, development and empowerment of pro-liberty thinking people. As as a student movement, VSFL seeks to have an open dialogue about changes, political ideas and the future.
VSFL’s primary goal is to debate the principles of liberty. They seek to unite students and act as an academic platform. VSFL thinks that students as a part of society make the biggest progress, they are keen on making changes, they bring innovative ideas and they can actually implement them in reality. The movement does not restrict itself to things which are easy or “politically possible”. VSFL is pursuing to change the discourse itself, and to shift public attitudes towards an understanding of liberty.
Xoán de Lugo

Xoán de Lugo
Site: xoandelugo.org/en/
Xoán de Lugo is a non-profit association located in Galicia whose main goal is the production of events, studies and opinions in the field of social sciences to promote the values of the free market, private property and a society of free individuals. Our banner is the defense of individual freedom at all levels, considering it as the essential key element for any prosperous society.
For that purpose, Xoán de Lugo undertakes formative and informational actions, creating spaces of discussion and organizing debates, workshops, conferences and other events. In our website we include studies of academic and informative nature to disseminate the knowledge of the different schools in the fields of economics, sociology and political science that foster the development of freedom in all walks of life.
Young Business Network

Young Business Network
Site: http://www.ybn.club/

YBN is a network of young people active around the world aimed to contribute to competitiveness and regional growth through an entrepreneurial mindset in the next generation.